The Embodied Artist: evolving the consciousness of the mind-body connection

The ancient teachings of yoga illustrate that taming the body is a skillful means to tame the mind. My intention with this course is to help participants use movement as an expression of personal development. Each participant will learn how to uncover the individualism and authenticity that is accessible within their field of choice. Through diverse movement and mindfulness practices, I will offer a variety of solutions to help you express that which is innately you, in the context of your work, allowing you to more fully engage and immerse yourself into your career with enthusiasm. 

I think that’s what it means to be creative: finding authentic ways to express your truth, whether it’s an original idea, an opinion of an existing idea, or just a way of sharing some part of yourself in an unprecedented way. Creativity deviates from social standards. We are engineering the unprecedented.

This 8-week course is designed for creative minds: people who gravitate towards creating, building, re-defining, discovering. I created it based on my own journey of self-discovery, fulfillment, and, ultimately, truth.

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” -Albert Einstein

If you’ve ever seen the potential for a positive catalyst to take place in your life, your work, or your world, but you lacked the articulation and clarity necessary to carry out that meaningful change, this course is for you. You don’t have to identify as an “artist” to benefit from this course, though I do believe that we are all artists who simply need to discover their unique tools of expression in order to more effectively engage in their profession.

Erick Godsey, author and student of psychology, says that the body allows us to express our live force most effectively every day. The body is a concrete, tangible entity that we can relate to because it’s something we experience directly. The form reveals the light and space that surrounds it. Therefore, we can use the wisdom held within the body in order to study our minds, which represent that which is abstract and unseeable. We can also use the body in order to place emphasis on the space between things, or between moments. Our physical form has the capacity to become an omniscient entity from which we can glean a deeper sense of truth.

“The role of the artist is exactly the same as the role of the lover. If I love you, I have to make you conscious of the things you don’t see.” -James Baldwin